Silvio Giancola
Silvio Giancola is a Research Scientist at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), working under the supervision of Prof. Bernard Ghanem in the Image and Video Understanding Laboratory (IVUL), part of the Visual Computing Center (VCC) and the Artificial Intelligence Initiative (AII).
PhD in Computer Vision, 2017
Politecnico di Milano, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Milano
MSc in Mechatronics, 2012
Institut National des Sciences Appliquées, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Strasbourg
Computer Vision
Artificial Intelligence / Deep Learning
Robotics / Metrology
[2024-07]: I published my first paper in Nature Communications!
[2024-07]: I am part of the program committee of IEEE STAR 24.
[2024-06]: 2 papers accepted at ECCV'24!
[2024-06]: 1 paper accepted at ICIP'24!
[2024-06]: 1 paper accepted in Sports Engineer!
[2024-06]: 1st place winner of the 2024 Ego4D-Ego-Exo4D Challenge in the Visual Queries 3D track! [report] [code]
[2024-06]: I co-organized the workshop CVsports at CVPR'24.
[2024-06]: I co-organized the workshop 3DMV at CVPR'24.
[2024-06]: I co-organized the SoccerNet Challenge 2024 at CVsports'24!
[2024-04]: 2 papers accepted at IEEE STAR 24!
[2024-04]: 4 papers accepted at CVsports'24!
[2024-02]: I organized the KAUST Rising Stars in AI Symposium 2024. For its 3rd edition, we invited 30+ international speakers from all horizon.
[2023-10]: 1 paper accepted to WACV'24!
[2023-10]: Attended ICCV in Paris and the FIFA research symposium in Zurich
[2023-08]: EgoLoc was accepted at ICCV'23 as an oral presentation (top ~5% paper).
[2023-07]: Attended ACL in Toronto and ICML in Honolulu to represent the KAUST AI Initiative.
[2023-06]: EgoLoc won the 1st place for the Visual Queries 3D Localization at the Ego4D challenge.
[2023-06]: I co-organized the tutorial 3DMV at CVPR'23.
[2023-06]: We organized the SoccerNet Challenge 2023 at CVsports 2023!
[2023-06]: Attended VivaTech in Paris with Thya Technology and CVPR in Vancouver.
[2023-04]: 3 papers accepted at CVsports'23!
[2023-04]: I gave a talk at the AI for Energy research conference at KAUST about our CloudLabeling platform.
[2023-02]: I organized the Rising Stars in AI Symposium 2023 at KAUST with 30+ international speakers
[2022-12]: I have been awarded a Research Translation Funding grant for a project entitled “EarthLabeling: Computer Vision for Aerial Images”!
[2022-10] I participated to the Thakaa competition in AI+Sports. Our team AinSports won the 2nd place!
[2022-10]: I have been awarded an Impact Acceleration Funding grant for a project entitled “Platform for Automated Analysis of Satellite Imagery”!
[2022-09]: I have attend the global AI summit at Riyadh!
[2022-07]: 1 paper accepted to 3DV 2022!
[2022-07]: 1 paper accepted to MMSports 2022!
[2022-06]: We organized the SoccerNet Challenge 2022 at CVsports 2022!
[2022-06]: Received a Best Paper Award at CVSports 2022!
[2022-06]: 1 paper to Nature Scientific Data accepted!
[2022-05]: I gave a talk on Geometric Deep Learning during the AIDD Spring School at Lugano.
[2022-03]: 3 papers accepted to CVPR 2022!
[2022-02]: I organized the Rising Stars in AI Symposium 2022 at KAUST with 30+ internal speakers
[2022-02]: 1 paper accepted to AAAI 2022!
[2021-10] Gave a talk on Soccer Video Understanding to Baidu Research
[2021-09] Selected for the Taqadam accelerator program with CloudLabeling and awarded a Taqadam accelerator funding
[2021-08] Participated to Taqadam'21 Bootcamp with CloudLabeling
[2021-07] 1 paper accepted @ICCV'21!
[2021-06] SoccerNet-v2 received the Best Paper Award during CVSports @CVPR'21
[2021-06] We hosted the SoccerNet challenge during the ActivityNet workshop @CVPR'21.
[2021-05] Nominated Outstanding Reviewer @CVPR 2021
[2021-04] Organized the KAUST Conference on Artificial Intelligence, a 2-days hybrid conference on AI gathering 100 in-person and 1000 remote attendees.
[2021-04] 3 papers accepted at CVSports (acceptance ratio: 12 / 25)
[2020-12] I was invited as part of the external jury for the Phd Defense of Anthony Cioppa
[2020-12] I was a reviewer for ICRA'21. I reviewed 1 papers.
[2020-06] Presented Context-Aware Loss Function during CVPR’20
[2019-12] Awarded a KAUST Impact Acceleration Grant.
[2019-09] Academic visit in Belgium: IVUL Research Presentation and Scientific Committee for the project DEEPSPORT in Belgium.
[2019-06] I attended CVPR19 in Long Beach, CA and presented Leveraging Shape Completion for 3D Siamese Tracking as a poster.
[2018-10] I attended ECCV18 in Munich and presented TrackingNet.
[2018-07] My first book A Survey on 3D Cameras has been published by Springer.
[2018-06] Visual-Inertial KinectFusion and SoccerNet were presented as orals at different workshops at CVPR18.
[2018-04] 2 papers got accepted in CVPR workshops
[2018-04] My Springebrief A Survey on 3D Cameras is in production with Springer.
[2017-12] One paper published on MDPI Machine on underbridge 3D reconstruction.
[2017-06] The project Visione Industria is online.
[2017-04] One paper published in the Elsevier Science and Justice journal.
[2017-04] I started a new position as Postdoctoral Fellow at KAUST, Saudi Arabia.
[2017-02] I defended my PhD Thesis.
[2016-12] Two papers presented at the MobiHealth 2016 conference in Milano, Italy.
[2016-10] I submitted my PhD thesis for review.
[2016-10] I attended the ECCV16 conference at Amsterdam, Netherland.
[2015-11] Visiting PhD Student position started in KAUST, Saudi Arabia.
[2015-09] One paper presented in FASE at Montpellier, France.
[2014-12] One paper presented at the A.I.VE.LA. annual meeting in Rome, Italy.
[2014-09] One paper presented at the MESA2014 conference in Senigallia, Italy.
[2014-09] I attended the summer school Italo Gorini in Lecce, Puglia.
[2014-01] Welcome to my Google Site!